Okay, I knew one of you wiseguys was bound to ask, what the heck does "Kosstamojen" mean, anyway? Well, if you must know, it is a reference to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the best of the Star Trek TV series. Seems the ever spiritual, yet strangely warlike, race of the Bajorans worship these strange creatures that they call "The Prophets". But most non-Bajorans think of them as non-linear, non-corporeal aliens who live in a nearby wormhole and call them the "wormhole aliens". An ancient Bajoran textbook tells of the ways and means of these aliens. The book is known as the "Kosst Amojan" although the spelling is, understandably, under dispute. Depends if you trust the FanZines, the websites, or the closed captions. Whatever. I kinda liked that show, and respected the concept of the wormhole aliens, and totally grokked the idea of the non-linear race of beings. I even figured that it kind of described my photography, in an inadvertant sort of way. Hence, the Kosstamojen Gallery that you see here before you. That's it, folks! Enjoy.......JC